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Shed a better light on your hotel & Increase your Equity
Designed Exclusively for Hoteliers
Save up to 75% with htpnrg Solar - No Capital Investments
Trade your underperforming unsold rooms to install Solar Panels in your hotel.
htpnrg Solar package will reduce your overall energy costs by up to 75%.
Excluding industry demand charges from local power companies
Typical ESPC (Energy Saving Performance Contracts) demand a very large portion
of the monthly savings for many years.
With htpnrg, Hoteliers KEEP 100% of the energy savings, in trade for a limited number of underperforming rooms per year.
htpnrg will maintain the Hotel's Solar Panels
at no cost for 20 years
A concerted effort to manage the global impact on climate
change and the nations desperate need to reduce Co2 emissions
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